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Ethylene glycol (CAS 107-21-1)


Ethylene glycol (1,2-dioxane, glycol, ethanediol-1,2) is a sweet-tasting, odorless, colorless, hygroscopic oily liquid. It is obtained by wetting ethylene in the presence of phosphoric or sulfuric acids. Ethylene glycol mixes well with water and alcohol. It has high boiling points and low freezing temperatures, which is why it is widely used as a heat carrier in heating and cooling systems. The crystallization temperature of the concentrate is higher than that of aqueous glycol solutions, therefore it must be diluted with distilled water before use.

CAS: 107-21-1

Ethylene glycol (TDS)



Field of application
Ethylene glycol concentrate, which you can buy from MasterChem, is used as a component of brake fluids, antifreeze and motor vehicle antifreeze and as a coolant for heating systems (mainly in private homes). It can also be used:
• cooling of computer processors;
• dissolving dyes;
• obtaining various substances in the chemical industry as a solvent at high temperatures;
• production of cellophane, polyurethanes and other polymers;
• getting nitroglycol;
• production of capacitors to give 1,4-dioxane;
• production of shoe polish, glass cleaner, etc.

You can buy this product from us without or with anti-corrosion additives and dyes.


Concentrated ethylene glycol is a very toxic substance and belongs to the third hazard class in terms of the degree of exposure of the human body. If swallowed, it damages the central nervous system and the excretory system. Special shoes, clothing, plastic goggles, respirator and rubber gloves are required when working with the reagent.

Storage and transport conditions
Ethylene glycol concentrate should be stored in closed original packaging in dry, unheated ventilated rooms. Expiry date – 60 months from the date of manufacture. The material can be transported in vehicles covered by any means of transport in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods for this type of transport.

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