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Butanol (CAS 71-36-3)


Other names: butanol, butyl alcohol

Butanol (butyl alcohol) is a slightly oily liquid. Without color and with a bright well-expressed smell of fusel oil. It is mixed with other organic solvents. Unlike other alcohols, it is slightly soluble in water (7.6 g/100 g)
Application and usage:
The unique molecular formula, physical properties, and chemical properties of this compound determine the breadth of its use in a variety of tasks in the pharmaceutical, light, chemical and other industries. In different directions, different isomers of butanol are involved (primary, secondary and tertiary butyl alcohols, normal isobutanol). Primary butanol is used to dissolve paint products (lacquers, paints, drying oils), alkaloids, resins, plasticizers, rubbers and vegetable oils. With its participation, dibutylbenzene-1,2-dicarbonate, tributyl ether of phosphoric acid, butyl acetate and butyl ether of acrylic acid are created. Also, its use is advisable in the creation of artificial leather, textiles, durable glass, resistant to impact, photographic films and perfumes.

CAS: 71-36-3

SKU: 71-36-3 Categories: ,


Physical properties
molecular weight – 74.12 g / mol,
density – 0.81 g / cm3.
Thermal properties:
Melting point -90.2 °C,
boiling point 117.4 °C,
flash point 34 °C
Self-ignition temperature 345 °C,
freezing point -115.67 °C.
Chemical Formula: C4H9OH

Additional information

Käytettävissä oleva määrä

10 lit muovipurkki, 1000 lit IBC-konttia, 20 L plastic bucket/canister, 200 lit rumpu/tynnyri, 25 lit muovipurkki, 5 lit muovitölkki, 500 ml metallipullo, 640 lit IBC-astiaa

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