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Ester-aldehyde fraction EAF 89%


It is used in domestic heating or ground heating systems. MasterChem offers different freezing temperatures and different packages. The basic raw material for liquids. It is also used in printing houses, cleaning of printing machines, in paint and varnish industry for production of stains and dyes, in cleaning of equipment.

Product Specification (TDS)


The esteraldehyde fraction (EAF) is a by-product of the rectification of spirit. This EAF is mainly used in formulations of mixtures, such as the ignition fluid or as coolant for the ground heating system. EAF – A mixture of ethanol as the main ingredient.

Additional information

Käytettävissä oleva määrä

10 lit muovipurkki, 1000 lit IBC-konttia, 20 L plastic bucket/canister, 200 lit rumpu/tynnyri, 25 lit muovipurkki, 5 lit muovitölkki, 500 ml metallipullo, 640 lit IBC-astiaa

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