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Urotropine (stabilized, unstablished) (CAS 100-97-0)


Urotropine (stabilized, unstablished) (CAS 100-97-0)

Hexamethylenetetramine, also known as methenamine, hexamine, or urotropin, is a heterocyclic organic compound with the formula (CH2)6N4. This white crystalline compound is highly soluble in water and polar organic solvents. It has a cage-like structure similar to adamantane. It is useful in the synthesis of other organic compounds, including plastics, pharmaceuticals, and rubber additives. It sublimes in vacuum at 280 °C.

Vaseline (white, yellow) (CAS 8009-03-8)


Vaseline (white, yellow) (CAS 8009-03-8)

Vaseline (Latin Vaselinum, Paraffinum unguinosum, Petrolatum) is an odorless and tasteless buttery white liquid. With incomplete cleaning, the color changes from black to yellow, with complete cleaning – to translucent. Consists of a mixture of mineral oil and hard paraffins. Melting point 27-60 ° C, viscosity 28-36 mm² / s at 50 ° C. Let’s dissolve in ether and chloroform, insoluble in water and alcohol, miscible with any oils except castor oil. Obtained from vacuum distillate oil fractions by thickening with petrolatum, paraffin and ceresin. Does not saponify with alkali solutions, does not oxidize, does not turn rancid in air.

Vitamin A (CAS 79-81-2)


Vitamin A (CAS 79-81-2)

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin and an essential nutrient for humans. It is a group of organic compounds that includes retinol, retinal, (also known as retinaldehyde), retinoic acid, and several provitamin A carotenoids (most notably beta-carotene (β-carotene). Vitamin A has multiple functions: it is essential for embryo development and growth, for maintenance of the immune system, and for vision, where it combines with the protein opsin to form rhodopsin – the light-absorbing molecule necessary for both low-light (scotopic vision) and color vision.

Vitamin A (CAS 79-81-2)


Vitamin A (CAS 79-81-2)

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin and an essential nutrient for humans. It is a group of organic compounds that includes retinol, retinal, (also known as retinaldehyde), retinoic acid, and several provitamin A carotenoids (most notably beta-carotene (β-carotene). Vitamin A has multiple functions: it is essential for embryo development and growth, for maintenance of the immune system, and for vision, where it combines with the protein opsin to form rhodopsin – the light-absorbing molecule necessary for both low-light (scotopic vision) and color vision.

Zinc lactate (CAS 103404-76-8)


Information Industries: Pharmaceutical industry, Food industry , Feed industry CAS number: 103404-76-8 WE number: 240-178-9 Chemical formula: C6H10ZnO6 Molar mass: …

Zinc nitrate hexahydrate (CAS 10196-18-6)


Zinc nitrate hexahydrate (CAS 10196-18-6)

Zinc Nitrate Hexahydrate is a highly water soluble crystalline Zinc source for uses compatible with nitrates and lower (acidic) pH. Nitrate compounds are generally soluble in water. Nitrate materials are also oxidizing agents. When mixed with hydrocarbons, nitrate compounds can form a flammable mixture. Nitrates are excellent precursors for production of ultra high purity compounds and certain catalyst and nanoscale(nanoparticles and nanopowders) materials. All metallic nitrates are inorganic salts of a given metal cation and the nitrate anion. The nitrate anion is a univalent (-1 charge) polyatomic ion composed of a single nitrogen atom ionically bound to three oxygen atoms (Symbol: NO3) for a total formula weight of 62.05.

Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate (CAS 7446-20-0)


Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate (CAS 7446-20-0)

Zinc sulfate is an inorganic compound. It is used as a dietary supplement to treat zinc deficiency and to prevent the condition in those at high risk. Side effects of excess supplementation may include abdominal pain, vomiting, headache, and tiredness.

The most common form includes water of crystallization as the heptahydrate, with the formula ZnSO4•7H2O. It was historically known as “white vitriol”. Zinc sulfate and its hydrates are colourless solids.

Zinc Sulphate Monohydreate (CAS 7446-19-7)


Zinc Sulphate Monohydreate (CAS 7446-19-7)

Zinc sulfate is an inorganic compound. It is used as a dietary supplement to treat zinc deficiency and to prevent the condition in those at high risk. Side effects of excess supplementation may include abdominal pain, vomiting, headache, and tiredness.

The most common form includes water of crystallization as the heptahydrate, with the formula ZnSO4•7H2O. It was historically known as “white vitriol”. Zinc sulfate and its hydrates are colourless solids.

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