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Argan oil (CAS 223747-87-3)


Argan oil (CAS 223747-87-3)

Argan oil is a plant oil produced from the kernels of the argan tree (Argania spinosa L.).

Argan oil has a relative density at 20 °C (68 °F) ranging from 0.906 to 0.919.

Argan oil contains tocopherols (vitamin E), phenols, carotenes, squalene, and fatty acids (80% unsaturated). The main natural phenols in argan oil are caffeic acid, oleuropein, vanillic acid, tyrosol, catechol, resorcinol, (−)-epicatechin and (+)-catechin.

Depending on the extraction method, argan oil may be more resistant to oxidation than olive oil.

SKU: 223747-87-3 Categories: ,



Industries: Cosmetic industry
CAS number: 223747-87-3
WE number: 273-313-5

Other physical properties

Relative density: 0,905 – 0,917 g/cm3 (20°C )

Additional information

Käytettävissä oleva määrä

10 lit muovipurkki, 1000 lit IBC-konttia, 20 L plastic bucket/canister, 200 lit rumpu/tynnyri, 25 lit muovipurkki, 5 lit muovitölkki, 500 ml metallipullo, 640 lit IBC-astiaa

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